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Tag Archives: Style

A while back, President Gamer told Chubby Unicorn about a website (Quantic Foundry) that would tell you your Board Game Motivation or Gaming Style. Being a lover of gaming she took the quiz then had the rest of the group try it out. The results were mostly unsurprising (low conflict for many of us), and we just take Space Cat’s gregarious trait to mean she likes the social aspect. She isn’t exactly what you would call chatty.

Chubby Unicorn: Low Conflict, Relaxed, and Grounded

Chubby Unicorn: Low Conflict, Relaxed, and Grounded

The Professor: Low Conflict, Relaxed, and Grounded

The Professor: Low Conflict, Relaxed, and Grounded

Space Cat: Low Conflict, Grounded, and Gregarious

Space Cat: Low Conflict, Grounded, and Gregarious

Clumsy Ninja: Immersed and Independent

Clumsy Ninja: Immersed and Independent

Shutter: Grounded and Gregarious

Shutter: Grounded and Gregarious

President Gamer: Low Conflict, Strategic, and Independent

President Gamer: Low Conflict, Strategic, and Independent

Additional Data available from Quantic Foundry