This is the third in a seven part series on superhero games. Today’s entry is on Dice Masters.
To start with, we have 5 starter packs:
- Uncanny X-Men
- Avengers vs X-Men
- Justice League
- The Amazing Spider-Man
- Age of Ultron
And we’ve bought a lot of booster packs which give you more Character cards and dice.
Each starter set is basically the same. You get three different types of dice: Basic Action, Character, and Sidekick. You also get three different types of cards: Character, Basic Action, and Color Reminder. Finally, you get two dice bags which are okay.
You decide which three Basic Action cards you want to play with (they give you extra abilities during the game), then assign those card to three different colors (like Blue, Pink, and Green). You then place three dice of the same color on each of the cards. During the game you can buy these colored dice which then give you the chance to use the ability on the Basic Action card.
Each player gets 8 white Sidekick dice which go into your dice bag.