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Category Archives: Story

Rather than give a strict play by play, entries in this category use a more literary flow

“Stay close,” Seoni said to her acolyte, as she tried to locate Seelah in the chaos.

Amy nodded, looking as panicked as the crowd. No one had anticipated a goblin attack during the dedication of the new Sandpoint Cathedral, and with the mass hysteria, Seoni didn’t want to risk casting any attack spells. Finally she caught sight of the paladin’s armor and managed to push her way free of the last of the escaping townsfolk.

“Did you see which way it went?” Seelah asked.

“It?” Seoni echoed. “And by the way, I’m fine, thank you for asking.”

Seelah didn’t react to Seoni’s sarcasm. “The goblin riding the giant gecko.”

Seoni shook her head. “I barely saw anything. Is that who was leading the attack?”

“It certainly seemed that way, but I lost sight of it.” Seelah paused for a moment, considering her options. “I’m going to check in with the guards at the city gate.”

It was only then Seoni noticed the night watch with Seelah, his face pinched with worry.

“I’ll make sure the cathedral is secure,” Seoni said.

They wished each other luck and parted ways.

Seelah and Nile had just arrived at the City Gate when something slammed into Seelah’s shoulder. She was shocked to see an arrow sticking out of her armor.

“There!” Nile pointed to the scout.

Without bothering to draw a weapon, Seelah pounced upon the enemy, using her superior strength to overpower him.

Nile approached afterwards and examined Seelah’s armor.

“I don’t think it went through,” he said, then yanked the arrow out. “You should get this repaired, though.”

Seelah agreed and removed her magic half-plate, storing it away in her pack then she readied her mace in case they encountered any more enemies.

Seoni expected to find goblins lurking about the cathedral, not a spectre.

“What should we do?” Amy whispered.

Seoni had an invisibility spell prepared but decided attacking was the better option. She used the energy from the invisibility spell to prepare an attack.

“Care to try helping again?” she asked Amy.

Her acolyte looked nervous but offered up her energy.

The arcane blast hit the spectre dead on, and it disappeared. Unfortunately Amy still hadn’t mastered the flow of her energy and swayed on her feet. Seoni tucked her away in an alcove.

“Stay here until you’ve recovered.”

“There you are!” Trevin declared, running up to her. “This isn’t quite the festival activity I was expecting.”

“I don’t think any of us was expecting this,” Seoni replied. “Care to join me in rooting out any lingering enemies?”

Trevin looked hesitant but agreed. Together they searched the cathedral, and Seoni was beginning to think it was time to move on when she noticed a strange shadow. She gestured to the troubadour to remain where he was, and prepared to unleash her force missile. She happened to glance up, noticing she stood in a part of the cathedral devoted to Lamashtu. Figuring it couldn’t hurt, she silently asked for the god’s blessing and sent her force missile at the shadow, destroying it instantly. Thankfully there was enough energy left over that she was able to recharge her spell before storing it away.

“Nicely done,” Trevin said. “I honestly thought you were being a bit paranoid, but I’m glad I was wrong.”

“In this case, I don’t think one can be too careful,” Seoni replied, as a discarded scroll on the floor caught her attention.

“What is it?” Trevin asked, a hint of wariness creeping into his voice.

Seoni smiled. “A new spell,” she said with glee. “I’ve been looking forward to trying out something like this.”

“What does it do?”

“Freezes your enemy to death.”

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Fu-ka, undercover as Chubby Unicorn, knew there were two Shadows lurking on the streets. She also knew another Hunter was in town, but hadn’t been able to identify her ally yet. She’d narrowed the possibilities down to four: Professor, Space Cat, Clumsy Ninja, and Signing Monkey. One was the other Hunter and two were Shadows which meant one of them was a neutral party. She would have to observe their actions carefully to discover who was who.

Professor and Space Cat had a series of altercations at the Church and Cemetery. Space Cat came out worse than Professor, though Clumsy Ninja and Signing Monkey also attacked him. Either they were attacking each other blindly, which only complicated matters, or Professor was the other Hunter. Just in case he was her hidden ally, Chubby Unicorn decided to help Professor tend to his wounds. In any case, she hoped to foster a bit of good will to stave off any attacks from him.

Clumsy Ninja continued on her violent spree, attacking Chubby Unicorn and Signing Monkey. Chubby Unicorn began to suspect Clumsy Ninja of being a Shadow, especially since she attacked with a creepy doll. Signing Monkey was lucky to walk away without a scratch. Before Chubby Unicorn could recover from the creepy doll incident, Signing Monkey attacked. Chubby Unicorn decided it was time to start fighting back, even without confirmation of her ally, and counterattacked.

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“A dragon?” Seoni asked skeptically.

Seelah nodded. “The farmers are still losing livestock and say they’ve seen it.”

“From my understanding, dragons are quite large.” Seelah agreed, and Seoni continued, “I’m curious as to why you’re going to search the Shrine to Lamashtu, and you want me to investigate the throne room.”

“Mostly we’re looking for clues, not necessarily the dragon itself.”

Seoni still had her doubts, but agreed to go along with Seelah’s plan. She rounded up her companions, Trevin the troubadour, Amy the acolyte, and Buck the burglar, and they headed for the throne room. While Seelah and her standard bearer went to the Shrine of Lamastu.

As they searched the throne room for clues, Seoni kept an eye on Buck. She still wasn’t certain of his loyalty and didn’t quite trust his sticky fingers.

“I think I found something,” Amy called, and Seoni went to take a look.

“Looks like a spell scroll,” Seoni said. “A well protected one. Care to see if we can break the seal?”

Amy nodded though she looked nervous. They channeled their energy and focused it on the scroll’s magical seal. There was a pop and a puff of smoke. When it cleared, the scroll was gone, and Amy looked exhausted.

“Perhaps you should go rest,” Seoni suggested.

“I’m fine,” Amy said, looking wobbly.

“I insist,” Seoni said.

Amy sighed but relented. As she made her way out of the throne room, another figure appeared.

“I thought you got rid of her,” Trevin whispered.

Seoni regarded Seva the standard bearer. “I gave her just one more chance.”

Trevin blew out a breath. “Hopefully she doesn’t kill us all.”

Seelah grinned at the opportunity to test out the new spiked chain Seoni had picked up for her. She knew it wasn’t an ideal weapon for taking down an ogre, but like a child with a new toy, she was showing a bit of favoritism. She discarded her mace, asked for the gods to bless her, and attacked. Even she was surprised at how quickly the ogre fell.

“That was impressive.”

Seelah turned to Nile from the night watch. “Thank you. What brings you here?”

“I heard you were looking for a dragon. Thought I could be of some assistance.”

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March 10, 1848

We’re on our way! We’ve left Independence, Missouri and are headed for Willamette Valley, Oregon. We know the trail is treacherous, but our spirits are high. I’m thankful Professor and I were able to find others to travel with (Space Cat, Clumsy Ninja, and Signing Monkey), otherwise I don’t think we’d have set out on this journey. I’m excited to see more of this great country and hope Oregon is as beautiful as people say.

Even though we’re traveling together, we agreed to keep our supplies separate. We each have our own area in the wagon, and we’ve clearly labeled our supply crates. Of course, that doesn’t mean we can’t share if something bad happens, though hopefully we won’t have to worry about that.


March 30, 1848

Everything was going so smoothly. I managed to drive the wagon without anything horrible happening, even though I’d never done it before. Professor led us safely across the first river we came to. It was quite impressive. Even when the wagon tongue broke, Space Cat had it fixed in no time. It almost seemed like luck was on our side.

Then Signing Monkey got sick. It wasn’t hard to tell she had measles, and we were pretty worried for a while. I’d packed some medicine which I gladly shared with her. I didn’t want her to die, and I certainly didn’t want anyone else to catch it. She seems like she’s on the road to recovery. I hope this is the worse we have to deal with.


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It wasn’t surprising that the defeat of Vhiski led to uncovering another Sandpoint menace: Aliver “Pillbug” Podiker. Seelah and Seoni agreed they couldn’t leave this villain on the loose but knew time was of the essence. They agreed to split up. Seelah along with her standard bearer Starla would see what information they could gather at the city gate, while Seoni would take her acolyte Amy and Trevin the troubadour to canvas the town square.

Upon arriving at the city gate, Seelah met a sage.

“Excuse me, wise one, might I ask you a few questions?”

The woman looked at Seelah for a moment. “My dear, I don’t believe you know the real questions you wish to ask.” And with that, she walked away.

Seelah stared after the sage for several moments a bit baffled by what just happened.

“What should we be looking for?” Amy asked, her eyes roaming the various sights in the town square.

“Oh, something like that, maybe?” Trevin said, pointing to a disembodied form.

The ghost had appeared so suddenly, no one else had noticed it yet. Seoni raced forward in order to defeat the ghost before it caused a panic. Thankfully she’d readied her force missile spell that morning, but an extra boost wouldn’t hurt.

“Amy,” she said, holding out her hand.

Without hesitation, her acolyte took her hand, lending what strength she could. It turned out to be more than enough. The ghost vanished as quickly and quietly as it had appeared, and Seoni even had enough power left over to recharge her spell. She looked down at Amy.

“She still has some learning to do, doesn’t she?” Trevin asked.

Seoni nodded. “She is only an acolyte, after all. She’ll learn how much energy to give in time.”

Thankfully there was an inn nearby where they could leave Amy while they continued their search.

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Clumsy Ninja, Space Cat, and Chubby Unicorn looked down on the small town. It seemed the only structures still standing were a few houses, a couple supermarkets, a department store, a gun store, and what looked like a hippy farm.

“Do we have to go down there?” Space Cat asked, watching a few zombies shuffling around.

“We don’t have enough supplies,” Chubby Unicorn replied.

“Plus we’re going to need weapons,” Clumsy Ninja pointed out.

Reluctantly Space Cat agreed, and they decided one of the supermarkets would be a good place to start looking for supplies. They stayed out of sight and crept along the eerily quiet streets. Space Cat was so busy looking out for zombies, she didn’t see the metal trash can. She ran into it with a crash, and the others turned to her with wide eyes before they all hastily moved on. They had almost made it to the doors of the supermarket when Chubby Unicorn bumped against a shopping cart. She grabbed for it, but it rolled out of her reach and crashed into another abandoned cart.

They dashed inside only to find a zombie.

Clumsy Ninja was in the lead and took an instinctive swing at the zombie using her empty shotgun as a blunt instrument, but she was off balance and completely missed. Space Cat and Chubby Unicorn jumped in, each landing a solid hit on the undead. Space Cat cried out and pulled back, her arm bleeding from a deep scratch, but Chubby Unicorn was able to finish off the zombie before it could do any more damage.

“I’m not going to become a zombie, right?” Space Cat asked.

“You’ll be fine,” Chubby Unicorn assured her. “It would help if we could find some bandages. Just try to keep pressure on it.”

Space Cat nodded, and the three of them looked around the store.

“Doesn’t seem to be much left,” Clumsy Ninja noted.

“Let’s split up and meet back here with what we find,” Chubby Unicorn said.

It didn’t take long to gather the meager supplies left. They managed to find an intact backpack, an energy drink, and a box of provisions.

“Do you think we can move this?” Space Cat asked, waving the others over.

It was a barricade and looked pretty heavy.

“I saw one of those flat carts,” Clumsy ninja said. “If we could tip in onto that, we might be able to move it.”

“Then we could block the doors, and bunker down for the night,” Space Cat said.

It sounded like a good idea. Chubby Unicorn took the backpack and filled it with the provisions, and Clumsy Ninja pocketed the energy drink. While Clumsy Ninja went to find the cart for the barricade, Space at pulled a small bag out of her pocket.

“What’s that?” Chubby Unicorn asked.

Space Cat opened the drawstring and unfolded the fabric. “It’s a backpack. If we’re going to be picking up stuff, I figured I should have it ready.”

Chubby Unicorn nodded as she tightened the laces on her running shoes. Clumsy Ninja returned with the cart, and between the three of them they managed to move the barricade just outside the doors.

“I think we should stay here for the night,” Chubby Unicorn said. “With Space Cat’s wound, we don’t want the zombies smelling fresh blood.” The others agreed. “Also,” she said a bit sheepishly, “I forgot I had these in my pocket.”

She handed Clumsy Ninja shells.

“Well, we’ll probably need them later.”

With that they settled in for the night.

The next morning they decided to start with the department store next door, unfortunately Clumsy Ninja and Space Cat both made quite the racket in their dash and drew the attention of what looked like a ravenous and rather vicious zombie. Now that Clumsy Ninja had shells for shotgun, she fired and killed the zombie with one shot. They ducked into the store before any other zombies could show up, and started looking for supplies.

“What kind of department store is this?” Space Cat asked, holding up another shotgun and a pack of C4.

“A weird one, but I like it,” Clumsy Ninja said as she displayed her finds: jumper cables and ninja spray.

Chubby Unicorn didn’t think Clumsy Ninja needed any more energy, and tucked the energy drink she found into her backpack. “Now that you both have shotguns, should we see if the gun store next door has any more ammo?”

“We might also be able to find you a weapon,” Clumsy Ninja pointed out.

It should have been simple. They only had to go next door, but there was so much debris on the sidewalk that they couldn’t help but make noise. It wasn’t surprising when a zombie came into view. Even though they didn’t have ammo, Space Cat and Clumsy Ninja managed to take down the zombie and enter the gun store.

“Now this is what I’m taking about!” Clumsy Ninja said wielding a katana with one hand and holding up a bear trap in the other.

Space Cat’s grip on the baseball bat she’d found seemed to tighten, but Chubby Unicorn didn’t say anything. She simply loaded her new hand cannon.

“Doesn’t seem like there’s any more ammo here. Where to next?”

They would have to cross a street now, and the house seemed closer, so they ran headlong and heedless of any noise they made. Still the zombie managed to catch them by surprise, and Clumsy Ninja’s wild swing missed. Though Chubby Unicorn had completely forgotten about her new weapon, she and Space Cat managed to take care of things. Unfortunately they didn’t find any ammo in the house, but Chubby Unicorn found more provisions and a baseball bat. Space Cat managed to find running shoes for her tiny feet and bandages for her wounded arm.

“It’s going to be getting dark soon,” Space Cat said.

Chubby Unicorn nodded. “This isn’t the best play to stay. Maybe we should head back to the supermarket for the night?”

They agreed and felt like they were doing really well until they were spotted by a zombie. Space Cat got lucky with her swing, and managed to kill the zombie.

“Nice!” Clumsy Ninja said when they were safely inside the supermarket. “I’m glad we’ve got you on our side.”


They settled down with their meager supplies, hoping the barricade would continue to keep out the zombies.

“I think we have to hit that other supermarket,” Clumsy Ninja said the next morning. “It’s our best chance at more supplies.”

The others agreed, and they headed out. Everything was going fine until Space Cat dropped her baseball bat. She snatched it back up, but the damage had been done, and in moments a zombie was shuffling towards them.

“Does something seem different about this one?” Chubby Unicorn asked.

“It does look a little… volatile,” Clumsy Ninja said.

The bigger concern was that it was coming right for them. Chubby Unicorn shot at it but missed, and Space Cat also couldn’t manage to connect with her bat. Clumsy Ninja stepped in with her katana, and after a brief skirmish she killed the zombie. Unfortunately she came away with injuries of her own, and there weren’t any bandages left.

“Let’s get inside before the blood attracts any more,” Chubby Unicorn said, and they ducked into the supermarket.

Clumsy Ninja went off in search of bandages, but only managed to find a backpack and a good pair of running shoes for herself. Chubby Unicorn found some more provisions and a funny looking alarm clock which she thought might come in handy, and strapped on a set of football pads. They felt bulky and awkward, but she hoped they might provide some protection. Space Cat tucked another set of jumper cables away in her backpack just in case they needed them.

“That house might have bandages,” Space Cat suggested.

There was even more debris in this area, and both Space Cat and Clumsy Ninja tripped over some of it.

“Oh no!” Chubby Unicorn said when a zombie shambled into view.

“What is it?” Clumsy Ninja asked.

“It’s Bill! So that’s what happened to him.”

“You know him?” Space Cat asked.

“Well, I did. You know, before he was a zombie.”

Perhaps her personal connection to this new threat was why she missed, but Space Cat and Clumsy Ninja managed to do some damage. Unfortunately, Clumsy Ninja was once again wounded. Chubby Unicorn fired again, and between her shot and Clumsy Ninja’s katana, zombie Bill was no more.

Then the unexpected happened. The undead corpse exploded! Chubby Unicorn and Space Cat were fine, but Clumsy Ninja had just been in close combat with the zombie. They rushed to her side.

“I can’t find a pulse!” Chubby Unicorn cried.

Space Cat looked around and noticed an abandoned car nearby. She ran over. The inside was a bit messy, but she managed to find the latch to pop the hood. She ran back to Chubby Unicorn.

“Quick, help me get her over to that car.”

Chubby Unicorn didn’t question her, and they dragged their lifeless companion over to the vehicle.

Space Cat opened the hood. Then she attached the jumper cables.

“What are you doing?” Chubby Unicorn finally asked.

“Don’t worry, I saw them do this on TV once,” Space Cat replied and touched the cables to Clumsy Ninja’s chest.

There was a loud pop and a puff of smoke. Chubby Unicorn was sure Space Cat had lit Clumsy Ninja on fire, but she watched in amazement as Clumsy Ninja groaned and coughed.

“What happened?” she wheezed, looking at her scorched clothing.

“I brought you back to life,” Space Cat said, holding up the cables and smiling.

“Thanks,” Clumsy Ninja said.

“I think you can put those away now,” Chubby Unicorn said a little fearfully.

They helped Clumsy Ninja to her feet, and headed back to the house.

“Look, I think that zombie dropped some stuff,” Space Cat said.

Sure enough, around the area of the explosion they found football pads, a smoke bomb, and bullets. They were surprised it had survived the explosion intact, but gathered it up and went into the house. Once they’d searched the place, they used the bandages they’d found to patch up Clumsy Ninja and insisted she wear the football pads. They also gave her a baseball bat and the smoke bomb. Chubby Unicorn used the bullets to reload her hand cannon and kept the ninja spray.

“I think we have time to go to that last house before heading back to the supermarket,” Space Cat said, putting the energy drink in her backpack.

As Space Cat and Clumsy Ninja stumbled through the debris on the way, they marveled at Chubby Unicorn’s ability to move silently through it all.

“Is that a mutant zombie? Or am I delirious from recently dying?” Clumsy Ninja asked.

“It definitely doesn’t look normal,” Space Cat agreed. “Also, it’s dressed like it should be in a music video.”

“I say we kill it anyway,” Chubby Unicorn said, shooting at the zombie.

Space Cat and Clumsy Ninja jumped in with their baseball bat and katana and finished it off. They quickly stepped back in case it exploded, but when nothing happened they continued on their way into the house.

“Any idea what these weird alarm clocks do?” Chubby Unicorn asked, holding up two devices that looked exactly like the one she’d picked up earlier.

“Maybe we could use them as a diversion,” Space Cat suggested, taking one and passing the other to Clumsy Ninja.

“Maybe,” Chubby Unicorn replied and put some more provision and a can that said Zom-B-Gone into her backpack. “Let’s get back to the supermarket.”

“I would definitely like to rest,” Clumsy Ninja said.

Chubby Unicorn tried out her ninja spray, and surprisingly no one made any noise as they trekked back to the supermarket. Despite their stealth, they were met by three zombies outside the store. To make matters worse, it appeared that one of them was on fire, and Chubby Unicorn was out of bullets. They attacked with their baseball bats and katana. Space Cat took out the burning zombie, and Chubby Unicorn and Clumsy Ninja managed to kill another, but there was still that last one.

“Why is it always me?” Clumsy Ninja wailed as the zombie lunged at her.

Thankfully it only got a mouthful of her football pads. She was at a bad angle to hit it, and her swings missed. Chubby Unicorn, afraid she might hit Clumsy Ninja, also missed with her baseball bat, but Space Cat got in there an managed to knock it away. It lunged again and again it latched on to the football pads. Clumsy Ninja managed to get them off, and once she was clear, Space Cat killed the zombie.

They scrambled into the supermarket before anything else could happen, and collapsed on the floor.

“I say we don’t go out there again,” Clumsy Ninja said.

“I think we have enough supplies to stay for three nights,” Clumsy Unicorn said, taking stock of her backpack’s contents.

“Good, let’s do that.”

Two days later, they emerged from the supermarket and slowly and carefully searched the town. There were no zombies anywhere.

“I can’t believe it,” Clumsy Ninja said. “We survived!”

Seoni scanned the crowd. Unsurprisingly the Waterfront was teeming with activity, and Seoni wished Seelah’s message had arrived intact. The only thing Seoni had been able to make out on the location was that it began with a “w” which could mean Waterfront, Woods, Wooden Bridge or perhaps there was an inn or tavern nearby with a “w” name. From her travels, Seoni knew anything was possible.

“Keep your eyes open for a female paladin,” Seoni said to her companions.

Trevin absentmindedly plucked at a few strings on his lute. “I have a feeling I’ll have material for a new song by the end of the day.”

Gilsa scowled at the troubadour. “Let’s try to stay focused.” Then she pointed off to their left. “I say we start that way.”

Seoni didn’t have a preference on direction, so she deferred to her guide.

As they turned the corner, their way was blocked. By his uniform, he appeared to be from the Night Watch, and Seoni wondered what he was doing out so early.

“This area is closed until further notice,” he said almost in a drone which meant he must have been saying it for a while now.

Seoni smiled charismatically. “Our apologies,” she said sweetly. “We’re looking for our friend. Perhaps -”

The Night Watch looked annoyed. “This area is closed until further notice.”

Her smile disappeared, and she gestured to her allies to move along.

“That usually goes better,” Trevin noted.

“Indeed,” Seoni replied, hoping the closed area wasn’t connected with Seelah.

Seelah signaled her Standard Bearer to stand back, then she moved forward through the woods to investigate. She’d barely taken two steps when a Goblin Commando leapt out from behind a tree, and threw something at her. Thankfully her chain mail blocked whatever it had been.

Seelah tossed aside her pack to give herself more maneuverability, and counterattacked. Her strength was no match for it, and it soon lay crumpled at her feet.

“Looks like things are getting exiting,” she said, only now taking the time to draw her mace.

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Setup details available in the first post.
Space Cat looked out over her Gardens. Stage two was complete, and they would begin stage three shortly. President Gamer had already finished his Temple, and Professor had just finished his Mausoleum by using resources the others used to hire Leaders. Space Cat hoped Cleopatra would be worth the gold she’d spent to hire her.
Her spies had reported that Clumsy Ninja had hired Nefertiti; Solomon had brought enough resources to Byzantium to build a structure for Chubby Unicorn, and Caesar was increasing the military forces in Rhodos. Space Cat hoped this meant President Gamer, who’d hired Nebuchadnezzar, would turn his attentions to Shutter in Rhodos, since Space Cat’s Babylon still didn’t have a military. If she wanted to complete her Gardens, which she had every intention of doing, she couldn’t spare any resources on armies. It was time to get to work.

“Just my luck,” Clumsy Ninja groaned as she looked over the details of the next Great Work.
Declaration to all cities:
The final Great Work to be undertaken by our collective cities shall be the Archives
Each city wishing to participate must build a Scientific Structure
Fee: 400 Gold
Reward: Resources to complete another Scientific Structure
Even though she’d wanted to participate in the last Great Work, she was finding herself hampered by her inability to get glass. Her own glass resources had been used to pay reparations when the first Great Work failed, and neither Rhodos nor Byzantium had any glass for her to buy.
Though her army was nothing to laugh at, Alexandria didn’t have any Scientific Structures. Finding the resources and location for one now would prove more difficult. Plus she had only completed stage one of her wonder and pressure to continue construction was mounting.

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Setup details available in the first post.
In a fit of frustration, Space Cat crumpled the report. Her Leader, Berenice, would bring in a bit of extra income, but, as a lover of science, she coveted Professor’s Leader, Aristotle. Babylon already boasted a few Scientific Structures, and Space Cat planned to build more. She smoothed out the report once more and read over the rest of the information.

  • President Gamer hired Hannibal
  • Shutter hired Amytis
  • Clumsy Ninja hired Semiramis

It seemed Chubby Unicorn declined to hire a leader, and Space Cat wondered if Byzantium was suffering from cash flow issues. Since they weren’t neighboring cities, it was unlikely to have much of an impact on Babylon.

“Declaration to all cities,” the town crier of Alexandria read from a scroll. “The second Great Work to be undertaken by our collective cities shall be the River Port.”
Clumsy Ninja looked down at an identical scroll in her hands and read along:
Each city wishing to participate must be able to supply loom and build a Commercial Structure.
Fee: 100 Gold
Reward: 600 Gold
“Hmm, that might actually be possible,” she murmured.
Alexandria already had a loom supply and enough money, now Clumsy Ninja just needed to find the right Commercial Structure for her city.

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Setup details available in the first post.
Space Cat looked down at the report from her spies, attempting to memorize the information before burning the scroll. After all, she had tried to play fair before, and now she had to work on her Wonder alone. She mentally repeated the information again:
Leaders recruited:

  • Chubby Unicorn – Bilkis
  • Professor – Croesus
  • Clumsy Ninja – Xenophon
  • Shutter – Varro
  • President Gamer – Zenobia

Space Cat felt that her own Leader, Hatshepsut, was the superior choice, and tossed the scroll into the fire with a smile.
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